Select a DP to begin import

Select a DP from the drop-down box below to begin import of IATI data into the AIMS. No data will be imported at this stage.

1. Select unit of aid

It looks like you use multiple levels of activities in your data (for example, projects and sub-components). We've compared your activities against those found in the AIMS, and recommend you proceed with hierarchy 1. However, you can adjust below.

Hierarchy Sample data % matched Select
1 GB-1-107368 Rural Electrification Development Project 70%

GB-1-107368-101 PROCOFSERVICES and P0050 for Rural Electrification Development Project

GB-1-107368-102 MULTILATORGANISATION and P0050 for Rural Electrification Development Project

GB-1-107368-103 NONBUDSUPPFINAID and P0050 for Rural Electrification Development Project

GB-1-107368-104 MOU With USAID for REDP

GB-1-107368-105 NONBUDSUPPFINAID and CP026 for Rural Electrification Development Project


2. Filter for activities relevant to Bangladesh

Some of the activities published at headquarters level will not be relevant to Bangladesh. We have filtered out those projects where:

  • less than 20% is tagged as Bangladesh
  • projects where the "Aid Type" is core contributions to multilaterals or NGOs

Activity ID Activity Title % to Bangladesh Aid type Relevant
GB-1-107368 Rural Electrification Development Project 70% Project-type interventions (C01)
GB-1-999999 World Bank core contributions 2% Core contributions to multilaterals (B01)

3. Filter for DP's own projects

Some of the activities published at headquarters level may relate to other DP's projects – for example, DP A may provide contributions to DP B's project. Both DP A and DP B can publish separate activities, but they need to be mapped together. To determine which projects are likely implemented by another DP registered in the AIMS, we have tried to filter out projects by using the name of the implementing organisation.

Please determine whether the following organisations are registered in the AIMS or not. We have flagged organisations we'd like you to pay close attention to with a symbol. You can then see how projects are categorised below.

Categorise organisations

Org ID Org name Registered in AIMS
12000 Bangladesh Primary Education Development Programme 3 Ministry of Finance
11000 Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

NB: the third organisation is flagged because it has a ref 11000, "donor governments". However, the specific organisation cannot be selected, because 11000 is not specific enough.

Additional thought: we could ask the user to categorise implementing organisations as government vs non government at this stage.

Own DP vs other DPs' projects

Project ID Project Title Owned by
GB-1-107368 Rural Electrification Development Project
GB-1-202123 Bangladesh Education Development Programme

4. Match IATI projects to AIMS

Based on your answers to the preceding questions, we have mapped your IATI activities against the AIMS in the following way.

IATI activities matched to the AIMS

IATI Project ID IATI Project Title AIMS Project ID AIMS Project Title
GB-1-202123 Bangladesh Education Development Programme GB-1-202123 Bangladesh Education Development Programme (BEDP)

IATI activities not found in the AIMS

IATI Project ID IATI Project Title
GB-1-204131 Ending the Cycle of Undernutrition in Bangladesh - Suchana

AIMS projects not found in IATI

Great news! All AIMS projects were found in this DP's IATI data.

Projects owned by other DPs

IATI Project ID IATI Project Title Owned by
GB-1-107368 Rural Electrification Development Project World Bank

5. Match unmatched projects

Some projects were not matched to counterparts in IATI or the AIMS. Please match the remainder of these projects.

IATI Projects

IED-SRHR project

Reported by: Netherlands

Promoting adolescents wellbeing

Start date
End date

Water Mgmt.Impr.Proj WB

Reported by: Netherlands

1. Institutional reform of the Water sector institution 2. Development of a rehabilitation and o & m strategy of coastal and river polders 3. Rehabilitation of polders and improvement of water management

Start date
End date

Bangladesh veiligh.akkoord

Reported by: Netherlands

vervolg op 25967. Hoofddoel is implementeren van brand- en gebouw- veiligheidsakkoord in Bangladesh (Fire and Building Safety Agreement)

Start date
End date

AIMS Projects


Reported by: World Bank

Start date
End date

Urban Dredging Project

Reported by: Netherlands

Start date
End date
