Financial transactions

You can see below a summary of financial data that would be imported to the AIMS for your activities.

Water Management Improvement Project


Original currency Original value Transaction date Value date BB USD exchange rate BB exchange rate date USD value
EUR 2,000,000 2016-01-01 2016-01-01 1.089150 2015-12-31 2,178,300


Original currency Original value Transaction date Value date BB USD exchange rate BB exchange rate date USD value
EUR 80,000 2016-01-01 2016-01-01 1.089150 2015-12-31 200,000
EUR 120,000 2016-02-01 2016-02-01 1.086875 2016-01-31 130,424
EUR 200,000 2016-02-20 2016-02-20 1.110583 2016-02-29 222,117

IATI Import Module

This module allows you to manage the import of IATI data for DFID.


IATI data last downloaded: 21st March, 2016 at 20:00 (one day ago)

New activities

We found data on 6 new activities.

Begin import »


Your import preferences generally favour using IATI data.

Adjust import preferences »

Import logs

Date Message
2016-03-20 Imported new activity GB-1-12345
2016-03-20 Updated financial data for activity GB-1-234567


Date Subject Action
2016-03-19 Five activities could not be updated with new financial data due to a mismatch between IATI and AIMS Resolve »
2016-03-20 Canada delegated an activity to you Process »

Delegated activities

Date Activity Delegated to Recall
2016-03-20 GB-1-23456 World Bank Recall
2016-02-15 GB-1-12345 World Bank

Transaction mismatches

You have new alerts that need to be resolved before data can be imported.

Transactions found in the AIMS do not appear in IATI. This could be for a number of reasons, including:

  • you manually entered a transaction in the AIMS
  • your headquarters removed a particular transaction from their IATI data (this should not happen)
  • your headquarters has redated all of the transactions in their IATI data (again, this should not happen)
  • an error occurred in the generation or processing of your activities that led to the disappearance of the transaction

Transactions mismatch: Water Management Improvement Project

Transactions in IATI

Date Type Value
2015-01-01 Commitment 200,000
2016-02-20 Disbursement 150,000

Transactions in AIMS

Date Type Value
2015-01-01 Commitment 200,000
2016-02-20 Disbursement 150,000
2016-03-20 Disbursement 20,000